Thursday, April 22, 2010
Grow up
I was listening to a conservative talk radio program where the topic was about the Government now trying to limit the amount of sodium that food manufacturers put in food. Just one more area where the government is trying to control our lives. A lot of liberals call into these programs. One woman was all for government intervention into our eating habits saying that people needed Government to help us so we would not eat ourselves to death. She said she is sick of watching everyone's poor eating habits. Another caller, a black male, stated that the government was just trying to help the people and keep them healthy. Now, I don't know at what point these people got the idea that the government is supposed to parent them but, I am an adult. I don't need a government watchdog to tell me what I can eat. Where will the control stop? What is next? Will the Government also try to tell us what to wear, what to drive, what to think? That is a parent's responsibility to an underage child, not the Government's control over free thinking people. Liberal Democrats want that control, they want Government intervention, they want the Government to take care of them. Grow up and be responsible for yourself. We need to limit Government and limit Government intrusion into our lives. This is after all America, Land of the Free.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Why is he President
We already know why Obama was elected President. It was his charismatic speeches and promises of change. It was the fulfullment of the dreams of Blacks in America to finally have a President of Color, to finally have a President whom they felt would represent them and make them feel equal. But how did a Freshman Senator with no experience and with tenuous ties to Muslim and Black extremists become the Democratic candidate in the first place. How did someone who would not pass the background check, if he applied to the FBI or any other law enforcement agency get chosen to represent the Democratic Party? Maybe I read too many Fictional novels and watch too many movies about conspiracy, but the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama leads to more questions than answers and we should all ask ourselves, WHY is he there?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Fair Tax
Republican Congressman Kevin Brady has proposed a "Fair Tax" Plan in lieu of an income tax. Under the "Fair Tax", There would not be any income tax, instead a tax of 22% to 24% would be added to all consumer purchases. Under this plan everyone, including illegal aliens would be contributing with every purchase made. While this all sounds good, I am leery of this idea, after all, americans are hardwired to looking for the better deals and the sales when they shop. If a substantial tax is added to all purchases, in the mind of budget conscious consumers, that equates to a higher price for that item and consumers will cut their spending. That in turn will affect all aspects of capitalism and our economy. Also what about those consumers who use credit cards? Interest on Credit Cards have skyrocketed. What if something happens and the consumer defaults on the credit card. That means taxes, like credit card bills, go unpaid. Also, as we all know, taxes will increase, so we may start out with everyone paying 22%, but somewhere down the road, a politician will decide that it is not enough. 20 years from now, that "Fair Tax", may go up to 50%. In that scenario, consumers may stop consuming at all, except for bare neccessities. We need to change the tax code and limit the government, but I'm not sure that an additional sales tax is the way to do it. As for the illegal aliens that are not paying taxes. Take away their free medical, take away their foodstamps Arrest, detain and deport is the only answer to that problem. They are here illegally, they have no rights.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Illegal Aliens
Recently, Harris County has been sued by an illegal alien because he was arrested and jailed under suspicion of causing an accident that killed a Harris County Sheriff's Deputy. He alleges that he was held in jail for too long after it was discovered that the officer was driving drunk and he was innocent. The key word here is "illegal", he should of been held in jail regardless of his guilt or innocence in the officer's death. He should of been detained and deported. Why do illegal aliens come to this country illegally and expect to have the same rights as American citizens? They should not be allowed to abuse our court system. They should not be allowed to collect foodstamps and get free medical care. If you are in this country illegally, the only right you should have, is to be arrested, detained and deported.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Is it Racism
A Harris County Sheriff's Deputy recently formed a "Caucausian Law Enforcement Officer's Association". There is already established, an African American Law Officer's Association and a Latino Law Officer's Association. So, as whites are now in the minority, especially in local government, why not have an association to represent this new minority group. These associations are formed to supposedly help with issues facing their members in the Sheriff's Department. Now, those same associations cry Racism when an association is specifically formed to support White Officers in the same department. The demographics have changed and whites are the Minority, why shouldn't white people have the same chances at representation within their department as the blacks and hispanics? Black people claim to want equality, yet they expect special treatment and considerations. In the Houston Police Department, tests that are given for an officer to promote to a higher position, are dummied down so that the so called minorities will be able to pass the test. White Officers may score higher on the exams and be better qualified for the job, but their scores are dropped down as questions on the test that the Black officers consistently get wrong, are removed from the black officers total score. The reason given is because those black officers did not have the same priveleges growing up, therefore they have poor study habits and don't understand those particular questions. Promotions should be based on merit and performance and not color. If you want to be equal, be equal, study, work hard and earn your promotions and do not expect special treatment because of your race. Racism is on the rise in America, but it is against the whites.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Islamic Terrorists
Never has Obama more loudly declared his alliance with Islam, than last week when he declared that Islamic Terrorist should not be called Islamic Terrorist, they should simply be referred to as "Terrorist", and no Religion should be associated with thr word terrorist. Islamic Terrorist is what they are. Islamic Terrorist are who has declared war on America and it's ideals and freedoms. I have not seen Baptists Terrorist or Hindu Terrorist or Buddhist Terrorists out flying airplanes into buildings and killing thousands of people. Of the 7 major religions in this world, only one religion has sought to destroy and conquer the rest of the world. That religion is Islam and the Terrorist are most assuredly Islamic. Call them what they are, Islamic Terrorist.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Bigger Guns
Obama has now announced to the World that the United States will not use their superior weaponry to defend themseves against attack by Third World Countries who do not have nuclear armaments. That is is akin to telling a burglar that you won't shoot him if he breaks into your house because you have a bigger better gun than he has. The threat of our defensive weapons is what keeps us safe. History has shown this to be true. Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Obama has issued an invitation to our enemies to come forth and destroy us. Obama is on a path of destruction to destroy this nation.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Black Tea Party members Stand Out
Hurray to the Black Tea Party Members who stand up against Obama and his followers. They know that the issues are not race related. The issues are not about Black and White or about Republican vs. Democrat. These are conservative christians standing up for what they believe in and not following the rest of their people like lambs to slaughter. They are educated Americans who do not like Obama or his policies. These are AMERICANS.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
What is he hiding?
Obama is the only U.S. president to have his records sealed. Not only are we unable to ascertain where he was born, but we are not even allowed to see what grades he made in highschool or college. Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii, yet his own grandmother fondly remembers the day he was born in Kenya. Obama claims to be a Christian, yet we learn that he went to a Muslim school and was a practicing Muslim through most of his childhood. Obama claims to be an American, yet he is friends with known terrorists and black extremists. Islamic Jihad have promised that America would be attacked from within and we are definitely under attack. We are under attack from our own government who will tax us into bankruptcy, destroy capitalism, and deny us our basic rights and freedoms as granted to us by the Constitution.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Destruction of the Middle Class
With increased taxes on Middle Class Americans, we are facing the destruction of the middle class. Middle Class Americans will lose disposable income due to higher tax rates aimed at them. This will further deepen our recession and drive our country into Bankruptcy. The poor will get richer,the rich will get poorer, but Middle Income America will be the ones footing the bill. Higher Tax rates, such as those proposed in Obama's Healthcare Reform will decimate Middle Class America and Middle Class will cease to exist.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Obama's platform for the election was "Change". Change what? Change this country from a Democracy to a Socialist Government bordering on Communism? That is what it seems he is trying to do. He pushes a Healthcare Bill that will put Health Insurance into the hands of the federal government. He takes Student Loans away from Private Lenders and into the hands of federal government. What else will he change to benefit a few at a cost to many? Unemployment will rise even further as major corporations like AT and T find that they have to layoff employees because of the rising Health Care costs to their companies. Who will he take from next? How deep into the recession will this country have to go before he stops?
Hank Johnson
Last week Congressman Hank Johnson made a statement that if more Troops were stationed on the tiny island of Guam, he was worried it would cause the island to capsize. Was he serious? Of course he was. How I wish someone would of told him, that we were really worried that Guam would just float away and more Marines were needed there, to hold the anchor ropes. Or, if he had been told, that we were worried about the Hawaiian Islands capsizing too, what with all the tourists and all. Hank Johnson is another product of uninformed voters. Voters who are casting a vote for color rather than a vote for the right person for the job. His constituents deserve what they have representing them in Congress. The rest of America should not suffer for their ignorance, or his.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The word "racist", has evolved from a word used to describe injustices done to minorities by whites, to a weapon of cowardice today. The word "racist" is thrown around freely by black politicians and their supporters as an excuse of why conservative voters do not like them or their ideals. It is cowardice. Instead of facing up to the real problems and motivations behind a white person's dislike, they throw the word "racist" like a spear. Many white politicians have faced dissent, jokes, dislike, and parodies of themselves, from voters unhappy with them or their ideals. The white politician accepts this as an inevitable response from the public. The do not call out, "racist" at each injustice or dissenting opinion. Black politicians however use the word as a shield to protect themselves from anyone who does not agree with them. They are cowards who do not want to face the real reasons behind the dissent. If you don't like Obama, then you must be a "racist". If you don't like the healthcare bill, then you must be a "racist". If you are a conservative, then you must be a racist. Years ago, this very well may of been true, but in today's world it is a farce. If someone doesn't like you or your ideals and you are a black person, that does not make them a "racist", It may, however, show them to be an informed voter, who can envision how liberal ideals and socialism can harm this country. That does not make them a "Racist", it makes them "Americans".
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Parking Meters
Years ago, when my Dad first started working in downtown Houston, I remember riding into work with him one day and him handing me a dime to put in the parking meter. "Be sure to turn the knob all the way back". he told me. I believe I was around 6 years old at the time. That was one of my favorite days with my dad, just me and him, my Mom and brothers were off on other errands. I seem to recall he was off from work that day but he needed to pick up some papers from his office to take home and work on. He picked up his papers and then took me to a little diner on main street that served these huge, whatever you want breakfast platters on the cheap. That was a great day out with my Dad and it was my first experience ever with a parking meter. Years later when I started a job in downtown Houston, many of these same parking meters were still in existence. But then, newer parking meters were added and numbers were painted on public parking spaces and now patrons were required to punch in the number of the slot they were parked in. These meters ran on 12 volt batteries that required a manual recharging and were often out of order. Just a couple of years ago Mayor Bill White of Houston made an attempt to recap all of these lost Parking revenues and had solar powered meters installed throughout the city of Houston. These meters are not only solar powered but also take credit cards and are wifi enabled. You simply follow the instructions, pay the money required and then place the receipt on the dashboard of your car. The date and time and amount of parking time purchased is all listed on that receipt.
So, what is the problem with this, you may ask? Oh, there are a lot of problems, the first being that a lot of the solar powered meters end up losing their charges, due to cloudy skies, trees or whatever, and the public does not understand that they can proceed to any working meter nearby and get a receipt to place on the dash of their car. The biggest problem with these style of parking meters though, is the publics refusal to even try to learn how to work them. Day end, and day out, I see people walk up, look at the meter and immediately start looking around for someone to help them work the meter. They never even try to read the instructions , they just float right into helpless mode. The first instruction on these meters are "Press Any Button To Start" Most don't even read that far, they just immediately turn away and search for someone to do it for them. I have done the demographics and the majority of these people are Black or Brown. I am not being racist, just stating the fact that the majority of people who can not follow the directions and want someone else to help them out, are from these groups. These people don't even make an attempt to figure out something as simple as a parking meter, so how can they make an informed opinion or make an informed vote? The state of our Union Right now scares me. We have too many people who would rather choose a color than a principal, It's not about the color, It's about America and Americans. It's about our freedoms and our rights. It's about being an American and supporting our country and the principals our country was founded on. GOD BLESS AMERICA
So, what is the problem with this, you may ask? Oh, there are a lot of problems, the first being that a lot of the solar powered meters end up losing their charges, due to cloudy skies, trees or whatever, and the public does not understand that they can proceed to any working meter nearby and get a receipt to place on the dash of their car. The biggest problem with these style of parking meters though, is the publics refusal to even try to learn how to work them. Day end, and day out, I see people walk up, look at the meter and immediately start looking around for someone to help them work the meter. They never even try to read the instructions , they just float right into helpless mode. The first instruction on these meters are "Press Any Button To Start" Most don't even read that far, they just immediately turn away and search for someone to do it for them. I have done the demographics and the majority of these people are Black or Brown. I am not being racist, just stating the fact that the majority of people who can not follow the directions and want someone else to help them out, are from these groups. These people don't even make an attempt to figure out something as simple as a parking meter, so how can they make an informed opinion or make an informed vote? The state of our Union Right now scares me. We have too many people who would rather choose a color than a principal, It's not about the color, It's about America and Americans. It's about our freedoms and our rights. It's about being an American and supporting our country and the principals our country was founded on. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Tea Party Patriots
The Tea Party Movement arose out of opposition to the bailouts and stimulus packages of 2009. Like that long ago Tea Party in Boston, Tea Party activists promote the ideals of no taxation without representation and promote limited government. Tea party activist support our constitution and everything it stands for.
I have posted below the mission statement of Tea Party Patriots
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.
Tea Party Patriots support the foundation that this great nation was founded upon. Fly your flag proudly, you are an American.
I have posted below the mission statement of Tea Party Patriots
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.
Tea Party Patriots support the foundation that this great nation was founded upon. Fly your flag proudly, you are an American.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Coffee versus Tea
I saw a news article recently about a new political group that started in response to the Tea Party movement. My first thought was that this would be a bunch of liberals who supported everything Black/ Brown or Obama. Curious about what exactly a Coffee Party is, I visited their face book page. I am still not exactly sure what their political standings are as the postings from different individuals seem to run the gamut from Loving Obama and hating Sarah Palin to Hating Obama and hating Sarah Palin. The Coffee party states their objective as "a discussion of current events of politics from a perspective based on common sense, morals, and a want for real change." Their's is no real platform or party lines, just everyone voicing their own opinions. Everyone exercising their right to free speech as granted to them in the Constitution. It does seems that the only thing everyone agrees on, is their dislike of the Healthcare Reform Bill and their dislike of Sarah Palin. Way to go Sarah, You have your own facebook page. I hope you like coffee.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Our Constitutional Rights
The Second Amendment to the Constitution grants American Citizens the Right to keep and Bear Arms. This is just one of the many Constitutional Rights that President Obama is trying to take away from us. I say that the citizens should take away Obama's guns. You may say President Obama does not carry a gun and that is true, but his Secret Service detail does. How about we take away the Secret Service Agent's guns? How safe would President Obama feel then? Would he then understand the needs and the rights of the private citizen to be able to keep and carry a gun to protect not only themselves, but their homes, property and families? It is the right of every American to defend what is theirs, whether it be their homes or their country
Unemployment on the Rise
Our local newspaper printed a story last week that Unemployment in our area has declined. They reported that Unemployment was down from 10% to 8.5%. I don't know how they are calculating their figures, because I personally know of at least 30 people who were just layed off from their jobs. Many had been with their respective companies for almost 30 years and were near retirement. Many of these people ae over the age of 45 and they will now be thrust back into a job hunt where they will compete against younger, better schooled job seekers. I have a friend who has been on her job search for well over a year now, she has only been able to find part time or contract work. I know of another person who was recently layed off from a job he had worked at for 25 years. He had just recently returned to his job duties after recovering from a lengthy illness. His illness was debilitating and is still ongoing. He applied for disability from Social Security and was turned down. He returned to work and he was lucky that he had an understanding employer who put him doing desk duties for the same rate of pay he had been receiving. Unfortunately that Company just closed down all offices nationwide. With his illness his hopes of finding another job are dismal. Unemployment is on the rise, Obama needs to focus on bringing this nation out of this recession instead of pushing a healthcare bill that will drive this nation deeper into this recession.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Loyal American
I really hate that as a loyal American, I have a President that I cannot respect. Obama continues to push his socialistic ideas on our country. Obama continues to lie to the taxpayers. Details of Obama Care are finally emerging, and there are startling differences from the Healthcare Reform plan first presented by President Obama and his supporters. Obama promised that Taxpayers who made less than $250,000 per year would not need to worry about The Healthcare Reform Bill increasing their taxes. Now that the details of Obama Care are being published, we learn that American Households making over $88,000 per year will be facing increases in their taxes. By perpetuating his lies about the Healthcare Bill, Obama has shown that he has no respect for the American people and I cannot have respect for him.
Friday, March 26, 2010
A Government For the People and by the People
AC9X7CM36HRV The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution both promise us limited government. More and more, the government intrudes into all aspects of our lives, from how we raise our children, to taxing everything we own and then giving that tax money away. The land of the free and home of the brave is fast becoming the government creed of give us everything you have and then give us more. We are expected to do what the government tells us to do and give up our free will.
If there is no limit to Government, this will no longer be the land of the free, it will be a Obama's Dream of Socialistic Society, where the working class works and supports those who refuse to work.
Declaration of Independence
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,---That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--
It is another Obmination that Obama seeks more goverment control over the American Taxpayer.
If there is no limit to Government, this will no longer be the land of the free, it will be a Obama's Dream of Socialistic Society, where the working class works and supports those who refuse to work.
Declaration of Independence
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,---That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--
It is another Obmination that Obama seeks more goverment control over the American Taxpayer.
Remember 911
I find it hard to believe that in the wake of the Islamic Terrorist attacks of 911 that Americans would stand up and vote for a Black Extremist Muslim to be be this nation's leader. As a child Obama was schooled in the Muslim schools and taught to recite the Koran in Arabic. When he needed to further his political career, he joined a church led by a former Muslim and Black Extremist who preaches the black gospel. Muslims recognize Obama as being a Muslim, why can't Americans. Remember 911.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
I was listening to a conservative radio program the other day, when a listener called in to express his views on the Healthcare debate. He was all for it, but knew nothing about it. He even said the bill was posted online. When the host of the show asked him where was the bill posted, he back pedaled and said he hadn't read it so he didn't know, he just knew it was on the internet. All he knows is that the Healthcare Bill is a good thing and will provide free insurance to 30 million americans who don't have insurance. That's the first time I heard it was free, stupid me for paying for my insurance, when I can get me some free insurance. What about the illegal aliens? Well of course they should get the free insurance too, they are taxpayers. When the Talk show host pointed out that most illegals are paid in cash, he said no they aren't, they work and pay taxes. This is the kind of idiot that voted for Obama. People should read and study the issues before thay cast their votes. We are not choosing between chocolate and vanilla ice cream here. Just because you like chocolate ice cream does not mean that you will like everything made out of chocolate. Look at the issues and make an informed decision. Do not show your ignorance, by approving of everything done by a man because he is black or he is white or whatever color he is. Know the issues and learn the issues. Our country and our freedoms depend on this.
Obama Care
Obama's Healthcare Reform looms on our horizon, with promises to provide coverage to 32 Million uninsured. My question is, who exactly is that insurance going to cover? Will it simply be another way to give free care to the millions of illegal aliens living in our country. Our emergency rooms are flooded daily with illegal aliens seeking treatment for minor illnesses. They go to the emergency rooms so they don't have to pay. They know that most emergency rooms won't turn anyone away. In the end, it is again the American Taxpayers footing the Bill. Another Obamanation.
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